Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As of December 31, 2017 and 2016
Notes 2017
SAR ’000
SAR ’000
Cash and balances with SAMA 4 5,263,438 5,684,338
Due from banks and other financial institutions 5,34 3,513,073 2,302,293
Investments, net 6,34 21,713,976 21,447,894
Positive fair values of derivatives 11,34 669,170 713,340
Loans and advances, net 7,34 59,588,284 60,249,052
Investments in associates 8 1,019,961 1,000,337
Property, equipment, and intangibles, net 9 1,002,910 987,600
Other real estate 718,724 418,724
Other assets 10 306,683 243,833
Total assets 93,796,219 93,047,411
Liabilities and Equity
Due to banks and other financial institutions 12,34 7,609,686 8,996,716
Customer deposits 13,34 66,942,620 65,640,325
Negative fair values of derivatives 11,34 116,655 174,550
Term loans 14,34 2,014,823 2,032,187
Subordinated debt 15,34 2,003,068 2,002,373
Other liabilities 16 830,300 867,718
Total liabilities 79,517,152 79,713,869
Share capital 17 7,500,000 7,000,000
Statutory reserve 18 4,563,000 4,210,000
Other reserves 6(f) 204,478 509,651
Retained earnings 1,284,858 826,775
Proposed dividends 26 350,000
Shares held for employee options, net 38 (58,269) (62,884)
Shareholders’ equity 13,494,067 12,833,542
Tier I Sukuk 39 785,000 500,000
Total equity 14,279,067 13,333,542
Total liabilities and equity 93,796,219 93,047,411

The accompanying Notes 1 to 42 form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.