
In order to prioritise the issues pertaining to the Bank we address issues that are materially important to our stakeholder; those that substantively address the ability of the Bank to create value in the short, medium and long term. In determining materiality both the magnitude of the impact of the issue as well as the probability of occurrence are taken into account. Events that may have a high impact if they occur but have a very small probability of occurrence are not considered material. The basis on which a materiality analysis is carried out is the Bank’s stakeholder engagement process, which has been detailed elsewhere in this Report.

The engagement process has been covered in detail on pages 50 to 54 of this Report.

Materiality can be viewed from two different perspectives; that of the Bank and its stakeholders. A mapping was carried out for identified issues from the above two perspectives. The material issues identified are depicted in a two dimensional materiality matrix. Only issues that have at least a moderate importance to both the Bank and the stakeholders are included. The issues which have a high degree of importance to both the Bank and the stakeholders are assigned a high level of materiality; these issues are important for both organisational success and stakeholder satisfaction. The issues which it would be advisable for the Organisation to manage well are assigned a medium level of materiality. The issues which currently have a low level of strategic importance for the Organisation and the stakeholders, and so will not be subjects for immediate action are given a low level of materiality. Our Management approach towards all material issues is contained in this report under the appropriate sections.

Material issues are not static but evolve and change with time. We review the materiality analysis periodically to keep pace with the changes. The table and matrix below illustrate the issues that are material to us and the importance placed on each issue:

No. SAIB material issues GRI Standards: Topic-specific Standards Most concerned stakeholders
Customer Trust and Protection 418 Customer Privacy Customers, Regulators
Quality of Services and
Customer Satisfaction
102-43 General Disclosures: Stakeholder Engagement Customers, Regulators
Compliance with Regulations 307 Environmental Compliance Shareholders and Investors, Regulators
419 Socio-economic Compliance
Accurate and Transparent Disclosure of Performance 102-45 through
102-56 General Disclosures: Reporting Practice Shareholders and Investors, Regulators
Data Security 418 Customer Privacy Customers, Regulators
Financial Performance 201 Economic Performance Shareholders and Investors, Customers, Regulators, Employees
Governance and Accountability 102-18 through 102-39 General Disclosures: Governance Employees, Shareholders and Investors, Regulators, Community
Financial System Stability 203 Economic Performance Customers, Employees, Regulators
Business Ethics and Prevention of Financial Crime 205 Anti-Corruption Shareholders and Investors, Regulators, Community, Employees, Suppliers
Human and Labour Rights 408 Child Labour Regulators, Employees, Community
409 Forced or Compulsory Labour
Workforce Training and Education 404 Training and Education Employees, Regulators
Community Investment and Engagement 413 Local Communities Community, Customers, Employees, Regulators
Risk Management 103 Management Approach:
all material topics
Shareholders and Investors, Regulators
Saudization 202 Market Presence Employees, Shareholders and Investors, Regulators
ESG Risks in Lending and Investment 201 Economic Performance Customers, Shareholders and Investors, Community
Equal Opportunity and
405 Diversity and Equal Opportunity Employees, Community
Employee Satisfaction and Engagement 401 Employment Employees
403 Occupational Health and Safety
Sustainable Procurement 204 Procurement Practices Suppliers, Community
Infrastructure and Accessibility 203 Indirect Economic Impacts Customers, Regulators, Employees
Adherence to Islamic Banking Principles Customers, Community, Regulators
Reduction of Environmental Impact of Operations 302 Energy Community, Employees
303 Water
305 Emissions
306 Effluents and Waste
Operational Efficiency Customers, Regulators
Innovation and Product Development Customers
Engaging with Customers Customers
Strengthening Relationships with Business Partners Suppliers
Employee Retention 401 Employment Employees
Soft Skills Development of Employees 404 Training and Education Employees