Our own achievements over the years and the talent and resources we now field, make me confident that we will continue to enjoy sustainable growth for years to come
As I write this, Access International is in the midst of celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary as a business group. Since commencing operations in 1989, we have grown and matured to become one of Sri Lanka’s leading corporate entities. Access Engineering has played an important role in that evolution ever since it opened its doors for business in 2001.
Two years ago, when Access Engineering made its initial public offering, we received an enthusiastic response from investors in both the public and the private sectors. At the time, we promised that those who invested in us would not be disappointed. So far, we believe that we have amply fulfilled that promise.
Looking at recent and projected global and national economic indicators and the current trend of Government policy, I see no external constraints to our future growth and profitability. Growth in the infrastructure, construction and engineering sectors looks set to continue in Sri Lanka, at least for the short to medium term. We also began extending our operations overseas in 2013, and early indications are that the scope for our services abroad is very promising.
These factors, together with our own achievements over the years and the talent and resources we now field, make me confident that we will continue to enjoy sustainable growth for years to come.
Sustainability is a high priority in all our decision-making and actions. It was our principal strategic objective in FY 2013/14 as we strove to invest the profits earned from the current infrastructure boom in the talent, resources and systems that would see us through the long haul. Much of our investment focus was on projects that offered synergies we could leverage in order to build a firm foundation for sustainable long term growth. We also took a more stakeholder-oriented approach to planning and reporting, which was reflected in the publication of a fully integrated annual report this year.
We have recognized that the shareholders of our Company are our most important stakeholder, and we believe that all our actions are focused towards enhancing shareholder value in a sustainable manner. We are committed to an attractive and sustainable dividend policy. In this second year of full operations since listing, we have declared a total dividend of 0.75 cents per share (interim of 0.25 cents per share and final of 0.50 cents per share).
Looking forward, your Company’s strategy will be to focus on organic growth in the sectors where our prime competencies and experience lie. Although we have diversified into other areas such as real estate management, mechanical engineering and motor vehicle sales, it will be some time before these new ventures account for a substantial proportion of our earnings. We remain open to new ideas and opportunities; but meanwhile, we shall continue to invest in our areas of core competence, further honing our competitive advantage.
I should like to end this short message by expressing my gratitude to my fellow Board members for their invaluable insight, advice and support; a special thank you to the Managing Director and COO of Access Engineering for their dedication, passion and commitment in which they give leadership to the management and staff of Access Engineering who are and will be our greatest asset.
I acknowledge the support received from all our stakeholders. A special mention of our customers, international partners, bankers and the State who have contributed to our success, helping Access Engineering play a leading role in nation building and in creating for itself a leading and well-respected position in the Construction and Engineering Industry.
Sumal Perera