
Human Resources Development Fund
Annual Report 2019

Engagement and impact

Fulfilling customer expectations and sharing labour market insights

National Labour Observatory

The National Labour Observatory aims to contribute to supporting decision-making in the development of programmes by providing accurate data, indicators, reports, studies, and evidence-based decision-making that reflect the reality of the labour market.

Strategic objectives

  • Data processing and reporting: To provide accurate and reliable data to all clients
  • Advanced analytics: To provide analysis and visualisation for business partners
  • Labour market research management: Building a network of experts and specialists to meet labour market challenges
  • Knowledge and education: To manage and disseminate knowledge

Operational objectives

  • Data planning
  • Data quality guarantee
  • Developing reports and labour market dashboard
  • Updating labour market metrics
  • Provision of analytics to stakeholders
  • Provision of development services to local partners
  • Research project management
  • Building expert network
  • NLO data house
  • Sharing content with partners

KSA labour market indicators

  • In cooperation with the General Authority for Statistics, it was agreed that a number of indicators on the labour market will be published and will be shared with decision makers and published in the NLO portal. Indicators are divided into six main groups comprising 34 sub-indices:
  • Indicators of social insurance subscribers in the private sector
  • Indicators of job mobility and stability within social insurance
  • Indicators of occupied jobs and the salary rate
  • Indicators of graduates employment
  • Indicators of Nitaqat establishments
  • Indicators of the workforce of persons with disabilities


Dashboards were created for the following to include information on labour market and display indices that are automatically updated:

  • Training support programmes
  • Employment support programmes
  • Indicators board for employment support and qualification of manpower programs
  • Panel for enablement and creativity programmes
  • Nitaqat dashboard
  • Graduates employment indicators panel
  • Dashboard of occupied jobs and the salary rate
  • Panel for graduates of universities and educational institutions in the Kingdom

Infographics on KSA labour market

Infographics is a persuasive, eye-catching, and effective means of communicating information and to understand the indicators of the labour market. During the year, HRDF released five infographics related to the labour market of KSA.

  • Establishments under Nitaqat in the private sector
  • The most demanding professions in the KSA private sector
  • Labour force indicators of persons with disabilities in the private sector
  • Non-Saudi excluded versus the new Saudi employee
  • High-paying professions that do not require a college degree in the private sector

Reports and analytics

Periodic bulletins that reflect labour market status, and detailed reports (sector-wise and region-wise), as well as tailored statistical reports for decision-makers within the labour system. These include the Current Status Report for the private sector (Every six months), the Saudization Report submitted to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (quarterly), and a Summary Report of labour market indicators (Quarterly).

Research collaboration and partnerships

The joint research programme with the Kennedy School of Government (Harvard University) aims to promote applied research in building evidence-based labour market programmes and policies, and to identify appropriate intervention mechanisms to develop these programmes and policies.

Studies in partnership with Saudi universities

This initiative was launched to offer research and studies related to the KSA labour market to local researchers in the Saudi universities. This collaboration aims to link labour market policy makers with local researchers to find solutions and constructive ideas to the key issues in the labour market and in the Kingdom’s Saudization efforts. The following projects were initiated during the year:

  • Project evaluation of existing non-profit institutes and rehabilitation programmes – (the programmes and outputs)
  • A project to define the skills and competencies of the Saudi labour market
  • The Saudi development model project and the possibilities of employment in the private sector

National Labour Observatory Portal: NLO.sa

The National Observatory of Labour e-portal is developed to reflect NLO’s role and enable users to access its services and products such as interactive indices and dashboards of KSA labour market. This includes labour market interactive boards and indicators, a variety of specialised studies of various dimensions in addition to analytical reports on topics directly related to the labour market.

Knowledge initiatives

The General Knowledge Department aims to make efforts to raise the level of knowledge participation and knowledge exchange by monitoring and disseminating tacit and explicit knowledge. The following initiatives are implemented in 2019:

Knowledge hour

This initiative aims to transfer implicit and explicit knowledge among HRDF employees and to raise the level of knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences with a view to strengthening the value of learning. 359 knowledge hours were conducted in 2019.

Written and audio content (Weekly)

It is qualitative content originating from expert institutions which includes a set of books and audio articles, and summaries and articles that are concerned with human development, management, finance, and business. This content is shared weekly to inculcate a culture of reading and learning in HRDF employees.

Seminar with an expert

This is an initiative that aims to take advantage of external knowledge sources and make them available to the Fund’s employees. These seminars are conducted by experts with competence in various fields, including labour market, economy, human development, and others. Eight seminars were held in 2019.

HRDF Library

An initiative to encourage reading and gaining new knowledge through best sellers and renowned books. These are available in the digital library of the General Administration of Knowledge. Employees can visit, browse through content, and burrow books. The library includes more than 100 books.

Harvard Business Review Magazine and articles

HRDF has made available over 5000 electronic articles accessible through various channels to the Fund’s employees in addition to the print versions. The Harvard Business Review is a specialised, globally-accepted magazine that publishes various articles and rich content on business-related subject matter.

Documenting knowledge initiatives

This initiative documents knowledge hours, seminars, workshops, and other programmes held during the year through videos and other means. This archive of knowledge initiatives allows our employees to retrieve content and educate themselves on past programmes. The archive is accessible through the electronic knowledge centre.

Knowledge Centre portal

An initiative that aims to build electronic content that allows HRDF employees to gain knowledge, access high-quality conten, and share knowledge. This portal includes studies, reports, statistics, evidence, etc. The portal provides an advanced search engine that enables you to access electronic content of more than 3400 files.