
Human Resources Development Fund
Annual Report 2019

Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF)

Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF)

The Human Resources and Development Fund was established by Cabinet of Ministers’ Decision No. (107) of 29/04/1421, with the purpose of supporting the endeavours of training and recruiting the national workforce in the private sector.

In order to achieve its goals, HRDF focuses on the following:

  1. Providing monetary incentives to support the upskilling, training, and employment of the national workforce in the private sector.
  2. Contributing to the costs of upskilling and training the national workforce for private sector jobs. The Fund’s BoD will determine the percentage of this contribution whereas the remaining cost will be paid by the employer benefiting from the training process.
  3. Contributing a percentage of the salaries paid to those employed in private sector establishments after they receive upskilling and training and those who are employed in these establishments in coordination with the Fund. The employer will pay the remaining part of the salary and the Fund will continue to pay this percentage of the salary for a maximum period of two years. The BoD will set the conditions required to disburse these amounts of money.
  4. Providing funds to field programmes, projects, plans, and studies which aim to employ Saudis to replace expatriate workers.
  5. Giving loans to private sector companies established in the Kingdom to upskill and train the national workforce as well as the companies which are keen on expanding their activities or introducing modern equipment in their operations.
  6. Conducting research and studies on its activities which aim to upskill, train, and recruit the national workforce and providing technical and administrative advice to the establishments involved in upskilling and training the national workforce.