
Human Resources Development Fund
Annual Report 2019

Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF)

Achievements of HRDF’s programmes
and services in 2019

This is an overview of the most prominent accomplishments of HRDF in 2019, achieved through its principal programmes, services, and initiatives provided for job seekers, employers, and other beneficiaries under the Fund’s objectives.

Employment support channels

7,237 beneficiaries of Taqat National Labour Gateway

52,918 recruitments via HRDF’s branches

43,706 were hired in the private sector through Rehabilitation and Employment Centres

Employment support programmes

3,380 beneficiaries of the Upskilling programme

64,582 beneficiaries of the Full-time Subsidy Programme

9,174 beneficiaries of Direct Employment Subsidy Programme

Training support programmes

784,706 have completed the training courses of the National e-learning platform (Doroob)

12,453 beneficiaries of the On-The-Job Training Programme (Tamheer)

34,758 beneficiaries of the College Of Excellence Training Subsidy Programme

Enablement and creativity programmes

1,755 beneficiaries of Working Women Childcare Programme (Qurrah)

44,987 beneficiaries of the Transportation Of Working Women Programme (Wusool)

157 beneficiaries of the HRDF Leadership Academy

Excellence in customer service

877,838 total phone calls remove answered by the Call Centre

7,196,273 number of website views

Average quality level of call centers are 91%