


Governance and Risk Management Report



Board and Board Committee policies, benefits and emoluments of Board/Board Committee Members

Board of Directors

The remuneration of the Board, Board Committee Members, and the Executive Management, are determined by the respective remuneration policies which are approved by the shareholders in the General Assembly (GA) Meetings. These policies are periodically updated after applicable benchmarking. The benchmarking is made against appropriate remuneration levels of either or both local and international companies, and this process includes accounting for external third-party subject matter expertise, where considered appropriate.

The key policies determining the remunerations of the Board, and Board Committee Members, which were updated and approved by 30 June 2020 at the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (EGM), as reflected within the Company’s Terms of Engagement for the Board and Board Committee Members, are:

1. The Board Member Remuneration Policy, and

2. The Board Committee Member Remuneration Policy.

The duties and responsibilities of the Board, Board Committees, and their members, as defined within these policies and various governance documents, including the Code of Corporate Governance, the Board and Board Committees’ Charters, and the Terms of Engagement, and the remunerations are based on the fulfillment of their duties, and minimum meeting attendance levels.

The Board/Board Committee Members are remunerated per these policies, as aligned with the Company By-Laws and all relevant KSA regulations. Bupa Arabia’s updated policy is to pay attendance fees for the Non-Executive Board and Board Committee Members, for any Board, GA, or Board Committee meetings attended, to a maximum of SR 50,000 attendance fees per fiscal year, whether attendance is physically in person (SR 5,000/meeting) or by conference (SR 2,500/meeting), to settle customary related costs on a reimbursement of actual costs basis, and to settle the remuneration fees quarterly in arrears.

The Board of Directors 2023 remuneration and attendance fees are reflected below:

Fixed remunerations
SR ’000
Allowance for
SR ’000
for attending
SR ’000
SR ’000
for technical,
SR ’000
of the
Director, or
SR ’000
SR ’000
First: Independent Directors
1. Ms. Huda Bin Ghoson 375 22.5 12.5 0 0 0 410
2. Dr. Abdulla Elyas 375 20 25 0 0 0 420
3. Mr. Osamah Shaker 375 25 10 0 0 0 410
Total 1,125 67.5 47.5 0 0 0 1,240
Second: Non-Executive Directors
1. Eng. Loay H. Nazer 450 25 20 0 0 750* 1,245
2. Mr. David Fletcher** 300 22.5 20 0 0 0 330.2
3. Mr. Martin Houston 375 27.5 15 0 0 0 386.7
5. Mr. Nigel Sullivan** 300 20 35 0 0 0 325.2
Total 1,425 95 90 0 0 750 2,360
Third: Executive Directors
1. Mr. Tal Nazer 300 0 0 0 0 0 300
2. Mr. Nader Ashoor 200 0 0 0 0 0 200
Total 500 0 0 0 0 0 500

* The Chairman’s bonus for the year 2023 is to be paid upon the receipt of the Insurance Authority’s no objection and the approval of shareholders in the General Assembly scheduled in June 2024.

** The Board/Board Committee Member remuneration fees for BIOL representatives who are employees of Bupa are received by the Bupa legal entity BIOL and not by the individual persons in their personal capacity.

Variable remunerations End of
service award
of the profits
SR ’000
SR ’000
Short-term incentive plans
SR ’000
Long-term incentive plans
SR ’000
SR ’000
SR ’000
SR ’000 SR ’000 SR ’000
First: Independent Directors
1. Ms. Huda Bin Ghoson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 410 0
2. Dr. Abdulla Elyas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 420 0
3. Mr. Osamah Shaker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 410 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,240 0
Second: Non-Executive Directors
1. Eng. Loay H. Nazer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,245 0
2. Mr. David Fletcher 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 342.5 0
3. Mr. Martin Houston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 417.5 0
5. Mr. Nigel Sullivan*** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350*** 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,355 0
Third: Executive Directors
1. Mr. Tal Nazer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0
2. Mr. Nader Ashoor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 0
Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 0

*** An amount of SR 5,000 was deducted from Mr. Nigel Sullivan to maintain the SR 50,000 attendance fee cap.

Other than the above annual remuneration amounts and the reimbursement of actual expenses, which amounts to SAR 819,000 for 2023, Bupa Arabia Board Members do not receive any other benefits from the Company.

Please refer to the 2023 AFS, Note 21, and the table below for the salaries, emoluments, allowances, and bonuses, expensed/or provided for within the 2022-2023 result, by/for, the Board Members and the Senior Management:

Description Executive Board
Members (CEO/CFO)
(Board Remuneration)
Independent and
Board Members
Senior Management (Including CEO and CFO)

SR ’000

SR ’000

SR ’000

SR ’000
SR ’000
Salaries and emoluments 500 2,550 20,003 19,168 835
Board allowances 0 457 N/A N/A N/A
Bonuses and LTIP N/A 750 25,424 24,299 1,125
EOS N/A N/A 1,949 1,455 494
2023 500 3,757 47,375 44,922 2,453
2022 500 3,718 44,922
2023 (Change) SR ’000 0 39 2,453

The annual bonus and LTIP remuneration entitlements for the Company’s Senior Management are based on a combination of Company and individual performance-based measures, where both have to be fulfilled

Board Committees

Board Committee Member 2023 remuneration and attendance fees, excluding the Board Member remunerations,
are reflected below:

Fixed remuneration
(Except for the
allowance for attending
SR ’000
Allowance for
attending meetings

SR ’000

SR ’000
Audit Committee Members
1. Mr. Zaid Algwaiz 225 25 250
2. Mr. Ibrahim M. Alhusayni 150 22.5 172.5
3. Mr. Zain Al Emam 150 22.5 172.5
Total 525 70 595
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Members
1. Mr. Hawazen Nassief 100 10 110
Total 100 10 110
Investment Committee (IC)
1. Mr. Andrew Bailey* 100 7.5 107.5
2. Ms. Nora Al Sarhan 100 10 110
3. Mr. Adhwa Alabdulkarim 100 10 110
Total 300 27.5 327.5
Risk Management Committee (RMC)
1. Mr. Zaid Algwaiz 0 17.5 17.5
2. Mr. Rami Makaram 100 17.5 117.5
3. Mr. James O’Reilly* 100 20 120
Total 200 55 255

* The Board/Board Committee Member remuneration fees for BIOL representatives who are employees of Bupa are received by the Bupa legal entity BIOL and not by the individual persons in their personal capacity.

Top Five Executives Senior Executive Remuneration (Including CEO and CFO)

SR ’000
Fixed remunerations
Salaries 18,343
Allowances 1,660
In-kind benefits
Total 20,003
Variable remunerations
Periodic remunerations
Short-term incentive plans 10,481
Long-term incentive plans 14,942
Granted salaries
Total 25,423
End-of-service Award 1,949
Total remunerations for Board Executives 500
Aggregate amount 47,875

My Report

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